Source code for ebook_homebrew.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Core module
import os
import re
import shutil
import asyncio

import PIL.Image

from .exceptions import (
from .utils.logging import get_logger

logger = get_logger("Core")

[docs]class Common(object): """Common Class """ def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def _convert_extension_with_dot(extension): """Convert extension with dot like "jpg" to ".jpg" Args: extension (str): Convert extension with dot like "jpg" to ".jpg" Returns: str: Convert extension with dot like "jpg" to ".jpg" """ try: if type(extension) is str: pass elif type(extension) is int: extension = str(extension) elif type(extension) is float: extension = str(extension) else: raise TypeError if re.match(r"^\..+", extension): return extension else: extension_with_dot = "." + extension return extension_with_dot except TypeError: raise InvalidExtensionTypeError() @staticmethod def _split_dir_root_ext(path): """Split file path to "directory", "file_root" and "extension" Args: path (str): File path like "/usr/local/common/" Returns: str: Directory like "/usr/local/common" str: file_root like "test" str: extension like ".py" """ try: dir_name = os.path.dirname(path) base_name = os.path.basename(path) base_root, ext = os.path.splitext(base_name) return dir_name, base_root, ext except (TypeError, AttributeError): raise InvalidPathTypeError() @staticmethod def _check_serial_number(filename, digits): """Check filename contains "digit" like "foo001.txt" and return match object" Args: filename (str): filename you can check "digit" digits (str): Regex format like "3,5" Returns: Match: If filename contains digit, return Match object, others return false. """ match_obj ="\\d{" + str(digits) + "}", filename) return match_obj @staticmethod def _check_digit_format(digits): """Check digit matched Regex format and return max digit number. Args: digits (str): Digit you will check regex Returns: int: Max digit number Raises: InvalidDigitsFormatError: If digit is not supported regex format. """ try: if re.match(r"^\d*,?\d*$", digits): return max(map(int, (digits.split(",")))) else: raise InvalidDigitsFormatError() except TypeError: raise InvalidDigitsFormatError() @staticmethod def _check_skip_file(filename, regex_ext, num): """Check skip or target file for target extension and num regex Args: filename (str): Filename which check regex_ext (Match): Compile extension object num (Match): Number match object Returns: bool: If True, filename is skip file. """ if not num: logger.debug("Skip(No number): {filename}".format(filename=filename)) return True elif not logger.debug( "Skip(No target extension): {filename}".format(filename=filename) ) return True else: return False @staticmethod def _rename_file(old_name, new_name): """Rename filename. Args: old_name (str): Old filename new_name (str): New filename Returns: bool: If success, return true. Raises: ChangeFileNameOSError: If rename failed. """ try: os.rename(old_name, new_name) "Rename file success: {old_name} => {new_name}".format( old_name=old_name, new_name=new_name ) ) return True except OSError as os_error: logger.exception(os_error) raise ChangeFileNameOSError() @staticmethod def _remove_file(file, assume_yes=False): """Remove filename. Args: file (str): filename assume_yes (bool): If True, no verify the user. Returns: bool: If success, return true. """ if assume_yes is True: pass else: flag = input("Remove file: {file_name} OK? (y/n)".format(file_name=file)) if flag in ("Y", "y"): pass else:"Nothing..") return False os.remove(file)"Remove file success: {file_name}".format(file_name=file)) return True def _move_file(self, file, dst, assume_yes=False): """Move file another directory Args: file (str): Target source file dst (str): Target destination directory or filename assume_yes (bool): If true, no verify the user Returns: bool: If success, return True. """ dst_dir, _, _ = self._split_dir_root_ext(dst) if assume_yes is False: flag = input("Move file: {file_name} OK? (y/n/r)".format(file_name=file)) if flag not in ("Y", "y"):"Nothing..") return False shutil.move(file, dst_dir) "Move file success: {file_name} => {dst_dir}".format( file_name=file, dst_dir=dst_dir ) ) return True @staticmethod def _remove_file_bulk(file_list): """Remove files bulk. Args: file_list(List): File list Returns: bool: If success, return true. """ if not file_list: return False for file in file_list: os.remove(file) logger.debug("Remove file: {file}".format(file=file)) return True @staticmethod def _make_file_list(directory_path, sort=False): try: files = os.listdir(directory_path) except FileNotFoundError: raise TargetSrcFileNotFoundError() if sort: files.sort() return files def _check_image_file(self, file_name): """Show image file. Args: file_name(str): Image file name Raises: InvalidImageParameterTypeError: If you doesn't choose image file. """ _, _, ext = self._split_dir_root_ext(file_name) if ext in (".jpg", ".png", ".gif"): draw_pic = else: raise InvalidImageParameterTypeError()
[docs] def move_file(self, file, dst, assume_yes): """Move file Args: file (str): Target file name dst (str): Target destination path assume_yes (bool): If true, no verify users Returns: bool: If success, return true. Nothing target, return false. """ destination = os.path.join(dst, file) return self._move_file(file=file, dst=destination, assume_yes=assume_yes)
@staticmethod def _get_eventloop(): """Get event loop Returns: event_loop: Event loop object """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return loop @staticmethod def _output_result(future): """Output async queue task result Args: future: Async future Returns: bool: If success, return true. """ return True @staticmethod def _create_task_queue(task_list): """Make async queue and put tasks Returns: asyncio.Queue: Async task queue """ queue = asyncio.Queue() for task in task_list: queue.put_nowait(task) return queue async def _set_task_queue_for_executor(self, queue, loop, executor, func): """Set task queue using executor Args: queue: asyncio queue loop: event loop executor: executor func: function Returns: future """ while not queue.empty(): task = await queue.get() future = loop.run_in_executor(executor, func, task) future.add_done_callback(self._output_result) await future async def _execute_queuing_tasks(self, queue, loop, executor, func): """Execute queue tasks""" tasks = [ self._set_task_queue_for_executor(queue, loop, executor, func) for i in range(os.cpu_count()) ] return await asyncio.wait(tasks)